Toronto Math Forum

APM346-2016F => APM346--Lectures => Chapter 9 => Topic started by: Luyu CEN on November 23, 2016, 01:36:19 PM

Title: Typos?
Post by: Luyu CEN on November 23, 2016, 01:36:19 PM
The coefficient should be $\frac{1}{4\pi c^2 t}$ instead of $\frac{1}{4\pi c t}$
$v^\pm_\omega$ should be$-\frac{1}{4\pi}\iiint |x-y|^{-1}e^{\mp i\omega c^{-1}|x-y|}f(y)\, dy $ instead of
$v^\pm_\omega= -\frac{1}{4\pi}\iiint |x-y|^{-1}e^{\mp i\omega c^{-1}|x-y|}\, dy.$
This one I am not sure but I think the coefficient $\frac{1}{2}$ is missing if we follow equation (2)
Otherwise we could not use the quadratic form in (4) which leads to theorem 1 in this section.
Therefore, it should be
\iint_{\Sigma} \Bigl(
\frac{1}{2}\bigl(u_{t}^2+|\nabla u|^2\bigr)\nu_t -c^2 u_t \nabla u \cdot \nu_x\Bigr) \,d\sigma=0
instead of
\iint_{\Sigma} \Bigl(
\bigl(u_{t}^2+|\nabla u|^2\bigr)\nu_t -c^2 u_t \nabla u \cdot \nu_x\Bigr) \,d\sigma=0
And the equation after (5) also needs to be changed.