APM346-2016F > Chapter 4

HA 6, sections 4.3-4.5, problem 6


Shaghayegh A:

For problem 6f, I get $b_n=0$, which I know is wrong.
I have $$b_n=\frac{2}{\pi} \int_0 ^{\pi} \sin((m-1/2)x) \sin((n+1/2)x) dx \\
=1/pi \int_0 ^{\pi} \cos((m-n-1)x) -\cos((m+n)x) dx =0$$
Separately for $n \neq m-1$ and $n=m-1$. Why am I getting b_n=0?

Victor Ivrii:
The last line of calculations is wrong. We already counted
$\in_0^\pi \cos (kx)\,dx$


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