APM346-2016F > Chapter 6

Domain of the theta function in section 6.4


Shentao YANG:
Can any explain why we need the $\Theta $ function in section 6.4 (and onward) defined on $[0,2\pi ]$ instead of on $[0,2\pi )$ so that we can remove the periodic assumption of the $\Theta $ function and the boundary conditions related to $\theta $.


From Wikipedia, a standard convention for defining polar coordinate system to achieve Uniqueness of polar coordinates is restrict the domain to $[0, 2\pi)$ or $(−\pi, \pi]$.


Victor Ivrii:
It is a really good question. In fact, in the "standard" settings $\theta$ runs $(-\infty,\infty)$ but $\Theta$ must be $2\pi$-periodic. So problem  is
&\Delta u=0,\label{eq1}\\
&u(2\pi)=u(0), \ u_\theta(2\pi)=u_\theta(0).\label{eq3}

On the other hand, we can consider membrane also in the same shape, but it is "clumped" along $\{\theta=0\}$, in which case $\theta$ runs $(0,2\pi)$ and (\ref{eq3}) is replaced by
We can also consider membrane also in the same shape, but it is "cut" along $\{\theta=0\}$ and both sides of cut are left free  in which case $\theta$ runs $(0,2\pi)$ and (\ref{eq3}) is replaced by
&u_\theta(2\pi)=u_\theta (0)=0.\label{eq5}
And so on. These are different problems. Separation of variables leads to different decompositions.

Shentao YANG:
Just to make sure, in the "membrane" case you describe, we basically do not need the periodic assumption of $\Theta$ (Except the boundary condition), right?

Victor Ivrii:

--- Quote from: Shentao YANG on November 05, 2016, 11:14:41 PM ---Just to make sure, in the "membrane" case you describe, we basically do not need the periodic assumption of $\Theta$ (Except the boundary condition), right?

--- End quote ---
There is only one $2\pi$-periodic case and it is the "standard" one. In this problem condition (\ref{eq3}) is equivalent to periodicity


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