APM346-2015F > HA2


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Victor Ivrii:

Chi Ma:
Problem 5a
\frac{dx}{y} = \frac{dy}{-x} = \frac{du}{x}\\
x^2+y^2 = C\\
u = -y + \phi(x^2+y^2)$$

Problem 5b
\frac{dx}{y} = \frac{dy}{-x} = \frac{du}{x^2}\\
x^2+y^2 = C\\
x = r\cos\theta\\
y = r\sin\theta\\
du = -xdy = -r^2\cos^2\theta d\theta\\
u = - \frac{r^2}{2} \left(\theta + \frac{1}{2}\sin2\theta\right) + \psi(r)$$

Problem 5c. I think there is a typo in equation (14). The coefficient on $u_x$ should be $y$. Yes indeed. V.I.
\frac{dx}{y} = \frac{dy}{x} = \frac{du}{x}\\
x^2-y^2 = C\\
u = y + \zeta(x^2-y^2)$$

Problem 5d
\frac{dx}{y} = \frac{dy}{x} = \frac{du}{x^2}\\
x^2-y^2 = C,\qquad -\infty < C < \infty$$

For $0 < C < \infty$, let $C = r^2$.
$$\left\{\begin{array}{2}x = r\sec\theta\\
y = r\tan\theta\\
du = xdy = r^2\sec^3\theta d\theta\\
u =  \frac{r^2}{2} \left(\sec\theta \tan\theta + \ln|\sec\theta+\tan\theta|\right) + \psi(r)$$

For $-\infty < C < 0$, let $C = -r^2$.
x = r\tan\theta\\
y = r\sec\theta\\
du = xdy = r^2\tan^2\theta\sec\theta d\theta = r^2\left(\sec^3\theta - \sec\theta\right)d\theta\\
u =  \frac{r^2}{2} \left(\sec\theta \tan\theta - \ln|\sec\theta+\tan\theta|\right) + \phi(r)$$

At ${x = \pm y}$, $u$ is undefined and discontinuous.

Rong Wei:
For 5b, I know derivative of arcsin(x) is 1/(1-x^2)^(1/2), can I use this to calculate the integral ? sorry about my typo, I haven't download matlab yet, I will download it~

Chi Ma:
I think so. You probably will have 2 equations for the positive and negative square roots.

Rong Wei:
you are so right! see you in class!


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