APM346-2012 > Final Exam

Problem 3

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Ian Kivlichan:
Use separation of variables to solve the Dirichlet problem for the Laplacian on the unit disk $\mathbb{D} = \{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2: x^2 + y^2 < 1\}$ with boundary condition $u(1, \theta) = \cos \theta.$
(The boundary condition is described in polar coordinates $(r, \theta) \rightarrow u(r, \theta)$ along $r=1$).

hopeful solution attached! (since djirar is posting all the solutions right away after 13:30..)

Chen Ge Qu:
Yeah, I thought we were supposed to wait for Prof. Ivrii to post problems as well, but my solution to 3 is attached!

Ian Kivlichan:
Chen Ge: I would point out that the solutions to the Euler equation are $R(r) = Ar^n + Br^{-n}$, not $R(r) = Ar^n + \frac{B}{r^{n+1}}$. It makes no difference, but I think it is worth pointing out anyway.

Pei Zhou:
My answer to question 3

Victor Ivrii:
I started to grade Problem 3 and as Zorg "I am very disappointed" (but trying to be very generous).

* Really smart solution: $u = \cos (\theta)= r\cos(\theta)=x$ as $r=1$ but $x$ is a harmonic function so $\boxed{u=x}$.
* More industrious solution: Starting separation of variables and arrive to $\cos(n\theta)$ and $\sin(n\theta)$ and from boundary condition we need to consider only $\cos(\theta)$, so $u=(Ar+Br^{-1})\cos(\theta)$ and to exclude singularity as $r=0$ we have $B=0$, then $u=Ar\cos(\theta)$ and from the boundary condition $A=1$ and $\boxed{u=r\cos(\theta)}$.
* Industrious solution: Applying separation of variables and excluding terms singular  as $r=0$ we arrive to
u=\frac{1}{2}A_0+\sum_{n=1}^\infty r^n\bigl(A_n\cos(n\theta)+B_n\sin(n\theta)\bigr);
plugging into boundary condition we get
\cos(\theta)=\frac{1}{2}A_0+\sum_{n=1}^\infty \bigl(A_n\cos(n\theta)+B_n\sin(n\theta)\bigr);
then obviously $B_n=0$ for all $n$ while $A_1=1$ and $A_n=0$ for all $n\ne 1$ (the last attempt to be smart!) and $\boxed{u=r\cos(\theta)}$.
* Really industrious solution: Calculate $A_n$ and $B_n$ by formulae and find out that   $B_n=0$ for all $n$ while $A_1=1$ and $A_n=0$ for all $n\ne 1$ and again $\boxed{u=r\cos(\theta)}$.
* Many started however calculate $A_n$ and $B_n$ and got wrong answers! Even a Wise Man Stumbles.


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