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LaTeX advices


Victor Ivrii:
We are talking about LaTeX in full, not MathJax

1) Strongly recommended: \documentclass[]{memoir}--very flexible well maintained, can emulate book and article. It allows normalfontsize 14 pt \documentclass[14pt]{memoir} -- note how tests are typed for convenience

2) Strongly recommended: \usepackage{hyperref}--makes better pdf, clickable links (in \label--\ref, \bibitem-\cite, in table of content, index) and also bookmarks

3) Strongly recommended \usepackage{microtype}--better typesetting

4) For graphics (LaTeX drawings) \usepackage{pgf}--the most powerful (another pstricks is also great)

5) For presentations \documentclass{beamer}-- nearest competition powerdot

Ian Kivlichan:
hyperref is probably my favourite package :P

For graphics (pictures), I would add \usepackage{graphicx}, but it is maybe not so relevant for math.

Victor Ivrii:

--- Quote from: Ian Kivlichan on November 20, 2012, 12:27:54 PM ---hyperref is probably my favourite package :P

--- End quote ---

Look at xr-hyper (working in conjugation with hyperref to provide cross-references of different documents).

--- Quote ---For graphics (pictures), I would add \usepackage{graphicx}, but it is maybe not so relevant for math.

--- End quote ---

graphicx is to include existing pictures -- I use it all the time. I am talking about LaTeX drawings (with "frontend" tikz)

Try this: in full LaTeX

--- Code: ---\documentclass[12pt]{article}
\fill [red, even odd rule,opacity=.8] (0,2) circle (2.5) circle (3);
\fill [blue, even odd rule,opacity=.8] (1.732,-1) circle (2.5) circle (3);
\fill [green, even odd rule,opacity=.8] (-1.732,-1) circle (2.5) circle (3);
\clip  (.9,-.6) circle (.5);
\fill [red, even odd rule,opacity=.8] (0,2) circle (2.5) circle (3);
\clip (-2.6,1.5) circle (.5);
\fill [red, even odd rule,opacity=.8] (0,2) circle (2.5) circle (3);
--- End code ---


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