MAT244--2019F > Term Test 1

Problem 1 (morning)

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Mengyuan Wang:
   \left(-y \sin (x)+y^{3} \cos (x)\right)+\left(3 \cos x+5 y^{2} \sin (x)\right) y^{\prime}=0
   M _{y}=-\sin (x)+3 y^{2} \cos (x)
N_{ x}=-3 \sin (x)+5 y^{2} \cos (x)
   M_{y} \neq N_{x}
   so not exact
   \begin{aligned} R_{1}=\frac{M_{ y}-N_{ x}}{M} &=\frac{-\sin (x)+3 y^{2} \cos (x)+3 \sin x-5 y^{2} \cos (x)}{-y \sin (x)+y^{3} \cos (x)} \\ &=\frac{2 \sin (x)-2 y^{2} \cos x}{-y \sin (x)+y^{3} \cos (x)}=-\frac{2}{y} \end{aligned}
   u=e^{-2\int-\frac{1}{y} d y}=e^{2 \ln y}=y^{2}
   so  \begin{equation}
   \left(-y^{3} \sin (x)+y^{5} \cos (x)\right)+\left(3 y^{2} \cos (x)+5 y^{4} \sin (x)\right) y^{\prime}=0
   \varphi=\int M d x=y^{3} \cos (x)+y^{5} \sin (x)+h(x)
   \begin{aligned} \varphi _{y }&=3 y^{2} \cos (x)+5 y^{4} \sin (x)+h^{\prime}(x) \\ &=3 y^{2} \cos (x)+5 y^{4} \sin (x) \end{aligned}
   so \begin{equation}
   so \begin{equation}
   \varphi_{\left(x, y\right)}=y^{3} \cos x+y^{5} \sin x=c
   \item because   \begin{equation}
   plug in
   \begin{array}{c}{(\sqrt{2})^{3} \cos \frac{\pi}{4}+(\sqrt{2})^{5} \sin \frac{\pi}{4}=C} \\ {c=2+4=6}\end{array}
   y^{3} \cos x+y^{5} \sin x=6

(-ysin(x)+(y^3)cos(x))+(3cos(x)+5(y^2)sin(x))y ’=0
a). My=-sin(x) +(3y^2)(cos(x)) Nx = - 3s in ( x ) + 5( y ^ 2) ( c o s( x ) )
R 2= [ My - N x ] /M = [ - si n ( x ) +( 3 y ^2 ) co s ( x ) + 3s in ( x ) - 5( y ^ 2) c o s( x ) ] / [ - y si n ( x ) +( y ^ 3) ( c o s( x ) ) = - 2 / y
u=e^(- ∫(2/y)dy)=y^2 u(-ysin(x)+(y^3)cos(x))+u(3cos(x)+5(y^2)sin(x))y ’=0
Ø=∫u(-ysin(x)+(y^3)cos(x)) dx =(y^3)cos(x)+(y^5)sin(x)
Ø y =3( y ^ 2) c o s( x ) + 5( y ^ 4) s i n ( x )
=3(y^2)cos(x)+5(y^4)sin(x)+h ’(y) h’(y)=0
h(y)=c C=(y^3)cos(x)+(y^5)sin(x)

b) x=π/4 y=√2

\end{equation}let M = -ysinx+y^3cosx, and N = 3cosx+5y^2sinx
M_y = -sinx+3y^2cosx, N_x = -3sinx+5y^2cosx
\end{equation} let My-Nx
M_y - N_x = 2sinx-2y^2cosx
\end{equation}since this looks famillier with M , so we are taking R1
R_1 = \frac{-M_y+N_x}{M}, R_1 = \frac{-2sinx+2y^2cosx}{-ysinx+y^3cosx},R_1 = \frac{2}{y}
\end{equation} the the integrating factor 𝝻 will be the e to the power of integral of R1
𝝻 = e^{∫R_1dy},𝝻 = y^2
\end{equation}then we times y^2 in this equation ,we get
𝛗 = ∫-y^3sinx+y^5cosxdx=y^3cosx+y^5sinx+h(y)
\end{equation} take the derivative on 𝛗 of y,we get
𝛗_y = 3y^2cosx+5y^4sinx+h'(y)=3y^2cosx+5y^4sinx
\end{equation}we will have h'(y) = 0, so h(y)=C is a constant
\end{equation}since we have
\end{equation}solve for C
C =6

Question 1:

Since $M_y$ does not equal to $N_x$, the equation is not exact.
R_1=\frac{M_y-N_x}{M}=\frac{2(\sin x-y^2\cos x)}{-y(\sin x-y^2\cos x)}=-\frac{2}{y}.
M=e^{-\int R_1\mathrm{d}y}=e^{\int\frac{2}{y}\mathrm{d}y}=e^{2\ln y}=y^2.

Multiple both side with $y^2$.
[-y^3\sin (x)+y^5\cos(x)]+[3y^2\cos(x)+5y^4\sin(x)]y'=0
\varphi=\int M \mathrm{d}x=\int -y^3\sin x +y^5\cos x \mathrm{d}x=y^3\cos x+y^5\sin x +h(y)
\varphi_y=N=3y^2\cos(x)+5y^4\sin (x)+h'(y)
\varphi (x,y)=y^3\cos x+y^5\sin x=C
C=\sqrt2^3x\cos \frac{\pi}{4}+\sqrt2^5x\sin \frac{\pi}4=6
\varphi(x,y)=y^3\cos x+y^5\sin x=6


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