Author Topic: TUT5103 Quiz2  (Read 5397 times)


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TUT5103 Quiz2
« on: October 04, 2019, 02:00:04 PM »
7.Find an integrating factor and solve the given equation


$\because$ $M_y\neq N_x$

$\therefore$ not  exact


$$\left. \begin{array} { l } { \mu = e ^ { - \int R_1 d r } = e ^ { - \int \frac { 1 } { y } } = e ^ { \operatorname { ln } | y | } = y } \\ { \therefore y + ( x - y \operatorname { sin } ( y ) ) y ^ { \prime } = 0 \quad \because M'_y = N'_x = 1 \quad \therefore \text{exact function}} \\{\therefore \exists\quad\varphi(x,y)\qquad s.t \,\varphi_x=M'=y}\\{ \psi = \varphi y d x = y x + h ( y ) }\\{ \varphi y = x + h ^ { \prime } ( y ) = x - y \operatorname { sin } ( y ) }\\{ h ^ { \prime } ( y ) = - y \operatorname { sin } ( y ) }\\{ h ( y ) = - \int y \operatorname { sin } ( y ) }\\{ = y \operatorname { cos } ( y ) - \operatorname { sin } ( y ) }\end{array} \right.$$