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Topics - yueyangyu

Pages: [1]
Quiz-5 / quiz5
« on: November 01, 2019, 02:40:58 AM »
Verify  that the given functions y1 and y2 satisfy the corresponding homogeneous equation; then find a particular solution of the given nonhomogeneous equation.
(1-t)y''+ty'-y=2(t-1)^2e^{-t}, 0<t<1;y1(t)=e^t \quad y2(t)=t

$$y1(t)=e^t \quad y'1(t)=e^t \quad y''1(t)=e^t$$
$$y2(t)=t \quad y'2(t)=1 \quad y''2(t)=0$$
Substitude back into the homogeneous equation:
Verified that y1(t) and y2(t) both satisfy the corresponding homogeneous equation.
Divide both side by 1-t, then
$$p(t)=\frac{t}{1-t} \quad q(t)=-\frac{1}{1-t} \quad g(t)=-2(t-1)e^{-t}$$
Therefore, the particular solution is:
Hence, the general solution:
The particular solution is:

Quiz-4 / quiz4 tut0502
« on: October 18, 2019, 04:05:06 PM »
Find the general solution of the differential equation

The characteristic equation of the given equation is:



$$r_1=-1+i \quad  r_2=-1-i$$

Therefore, the general solution of the given differential equation is:

Quiz-3 / quiz3 tut0502
« on: October 11, 2019, 02:00:02 PM »
Find the general solution of the given differential equation.

Assume that $$y=e^{rt}$$ and it follows that r must be a root of characteristic equation
$$r_1=1+\sqrt{3} \quad r_2=1-\sqrt{3}$$

Therefore, the general solution of the given differential equation is:

Quiz-2 / quiz2 0502
« on: October 04, 2019, 02:52:24 PM »
Find an integrating factor and solve the given equation:

Firstly, find an integrating factor $\mu$ as a function of xy s.t.
(\mu M)_y=(\mu N)_x
Let $$z=xy$$.
\mu M_y+xM\frac{d\mu}{dz}=\mu N_x+yN\frac{d\mu}{dz}

where $$R(z)=R(xy)=\frac{N_x-M_y}{xM-yN}$$
Let $$M=3x+\frac{6}{y}$$ $$N=\frac{x^{2}}{y}+3\frac{y}{x}$$
M_y=\frac{-6}{y^{2}} \quad N_x=\frac{2x}{y}-\frac{37}{x^{2}}
We can see that this equation is not exact
Thus, we have an integrating factor
Multiplying the original equation by the integrating factor, we have
This equation is exact because
Thus, there exists a function $$\Psi(x,y)$$ such that $$\Psi_x(x,y)=3x^{2}y+6x$$
Differentiating with respect to y, we get
h'(y)=3y^{2} \quad h(y)=y^{3}
and we have
Thus the solutions of the differential equation are given implicitly by

Pages: [1]