Author Topic: quiz2 0502  (Read 5377 times)


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quiz2 0502
« on: October 04, 2019, 02:52:24 PM »
Find an integrating factor and solve the given equation:

Firstly, find an integrating factor $\mu$ as a function of xy s.t.
(\mu M)_y=(\mu N)_x
Let $$z=xy$$.
\mu M_y+xM\frac{d\mu}{dz}=\mu N_x+yN\frac{d\mu}{dz}

where $$R(z)=R(xy)=\frac{N_x-M_y}{xM-yN}$$
Let $$M=3x+\frac{6}{y}$$ $$N=\frac{x^{2}}{y}+3\frac{y}{x}$$
M_y=\frac{-6}{y^{2}} \quad N_x=\frac{2x}{y}-\frac{37}{x^{2}}
We can see that this equation is not exact
Thus, we have an integrating factor
Multiplying the original equation by the integrating factor, we have
This equation is exact because
Thus, there exists a function $$\Psi(x,y)$$ such that $$\Psi_x(x,y)=3x^{2}y+6x$$
Differentiating with respect to y, we get
h'(y)=3y^{2} \quad h(y)=y^{3}
and we have
Thus the solutions of the differential equation are given implicitly by